I write speculative fiction, mostly about women, climate change, and the American west.
The Last Great Beautiful Thing
Fusion Fragment #3, November 2020
When she finally sleeps, she dreams of birds. They died, she knows they did; she gathered their corpses and spread their fragile wings with her fingers. In her dream they fly again. She watches them go, higher and higher.
Mythaxis (UK) #26, Summer 2021
Chelsea’s mother had been born the year the Voyager launched, and she could’ve listed every song they’d sent into space. She used to play them when she got high. “Music is the only language you’ll have in common,” she’d say, wispy and strung-out, and Chelsea almost wished they were still in touch, just so she could tell her mother she was wrong.
I know the world ends, but I do not yearn
(mac)ro(mic), December 2021
In those days everything felt like Seph could crush it between her fingers.
A Manual for the Care and Keeping of Superheroes
Fusion Fragment #10, March 2022
There is a parallel universe where I say I have something to tell you. There is another universe where our secrets have equal weight, where we share each other’s burdens.
Personal Essay
In the Event
February 2018
For a selection of clips from my work covering business & human interest stories at the Appleton Post-Crescent, click here (PDF).